Five ingredients helps to increase immunity power.

Ghoose berry, Padham, Soya BEANS, Lemon and Garlic which is aid to protect our body from Disease
In Siddha treatment certain techniques followed to maintain the body health. Ghoose berry is one of the main factor resources to prevent disease from in our body. Siddha treatment the people say Kaya kalpam Kaya means body and Kalpam means no disease which is protect our body from the old age , prevent eye disorder issue, hair fall and prevent grey colour.
In ancient days the King Athiyam who was popular in Tamil Nadu history he gives ghoose berry to the tamil poet Aavaiyar. Because, it is give long and healthy life to the person.
Merits of the Ghoose Berry
• Functioned the digestive process
• Visual is strengthen
• Reduce hair fall &prevent the grey colour hair
• The body waste will send out frequently
• Refresh the cells development
• Vitamin c is rich in the vegetable and it contains phosphorous, vitamin is 600 ml in one ghoose berry
• Functioned the neurology process
• Brain cells get refreshment there is clear conscious, sharp mind
• Strengthen lungs
• It will not increase the body weight and gives strengthen to the body tissues
• Prevent the sugar complaint
• Improve the immunity power
Merits of Almond
• Soaked the 3-4 almond one day before and eat this morning means increase the good cholesterol in the body
• Gives energy as  an intake of food
• The cells will develop
Merits of Soya Beans
• Reduce bad cholesterol in our body
• Prevent sugar complaint
• Increase the good cholesterol
•  Daily use as this in our life means it will prevent the cancer cells and the wound will be cure
• The children eat this every day means the child weight and height will increase
• It improve the memory power and hemoglobin in our body
Merits of Lemon
• Every day we take lemon juice means vitamin c increase in our body
• Strengthen our bones
• Reduce bad cholesterol
• Cough and cold will be prevent
Merits of Garlic
• Increase the immunity power
• Prevent cancer cells
• Control the blood pressure
• Prevent the Bacteria and virus fever
• Cough, cold, communicable disease and wound will be prevent
• Every day intake three garlic piece means the allergy will be reduce
• Tooth pain occur means bite one piece and the essence will reduce the tooth pain immediately
Above these vegetables are protect our body from the disease
at 10:13 No comments:

Five ingredients helps to increase immunity power. Five ingredients helps to increase immunity power. Reviewed by Nalampera on 11:42:00 Rating: 5
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